„Švyturio“ – Kauno krepšinio lyga

Estonian Bar Association vs Lithuanian Bar Association (28:36)Lithuanian Bar Association Cup 2017 » Atkrintamosios rungtynės, Didysis finalas
2017 gruodžio 03 d., Sekmadienis, 12:00 val. @ A. Sabonio krepšinio centras (II salė), Pašilės g. 41, Kaunas, LT-51358

The champions of international „Lithuanian Bar Association Cup 2017“ is „Lithuanian Bar Association“

2017 gruodžio 03 d., Sekmadienis, 23:57 val., peržiūros: 767

At A.Sabonis KC , December 2-3 days , basketball international tournament took place „Lithuanian Bar Association Cup 2017“. There was six teams from Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia.

At regular match all teams play by one wheel system. Here is the rating after regular matches:

1. „Estonian Bar Bar Association“
2. „Lithuanian Bar Association“
3. „Latvian Bar Association“
4. „Marger“
5. „Adlex“
6. „Ellex Valiūnas ir partneriai“

In first quarterfinals met „Latvian Bar Association“ and „Ellex Valiūnas ir partneriai“. „Latvian Bar Association“ won boths quarters and at semi-final will play agains „Estonian Bar Bar Association“ – 27:17 ( 15:10, 12:7).

In second quarterfinals met „Marger“ and „Adlex“. After a hard fight „Marger“ wins a match and they will play with „Lithuanian Bar Association“ ant semi-final – 23:19 ( 8:7, 15:12).

At semi-final „Latvian Bar Association“ vs. „Estonia Bar Association“ . From the very beginning „Estonia Bar Association“ was proving that they are better then competition and won a light victory – 30:8 ( 9:5, 21:3).

At second semi-final met „Lithuanian Bar Association“ and „Marger“. At first half „Lithuanian Bar Association“ won 11:0 and took easy win at semi-final – 25:16 ( 11:0, 14:16).

At final for third place met „Latvian Bar Association“ and „Marger“. At first half „Latvian Bar Association“ earned light points and won a quarter 20:7. At second half „Marger“ won quarter, but it wasn‘t enough and „Latvian Bar Association“ win third place at „Lithuanian Bar Association Cup 2017“ – 28:22 ( 20:7, 8:15).

Final MVP player was selected – Andis Karklinš („Latvian Bar Association“).

At Grand-Final met two best teams – „Lithuanian Bar Association“ and „Estonia Bar Association“.From the beginnig it was hard fight between teams, but „Lithuanian Bar Association“ looked better at defense and won first half ( 12:17). At second half „Estonian Bar Association“ team tried to eliminate the difference, but Lithuanian saved superiority and won grand-final – 28:36 ( 12:17, 16:19).

After the victory „Lithuanian Bar Association“ team player , R.Viliušis:

„Tought fight. Our team ar playing about ten yers together so it was the main key to victory. At regular match we lost against „Estonia Bar Association“ and so it was sweet revenge. „

Grand-Final MVP player was selected – Andrius Budvytis („Lithuanian Bar Association“).

Photos album First day

Photos album Second day

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